Built on TRUST.
Based on decades of experience, Waldemar Link created a comprehensive knee system that covers all aspects of modern total knee arthroplasty from cruciate retaining, posterior stabilized to stemmed revision variants with high-end user-friendly instrumentation.

The LinkSymphoKnee is a complete system for primary total knee replacement to revision solutions.
The LinkSymphoKnee has a wide range of implant sizes with 14 femoral and 10 tibial sizes and provides a 2up - 2down compatibility between femoral and tibial components. The components are made from high-end materials. Thus, all variants are additionally available with LINK PorEx surfaces which reduce the release of metal ions. All poly components, such as articular surfaces and patella, are available either in UHMWPE or in E-dur Polyethylene (highly cross-linked PE with antioxidant vitamin E). The system comes with state-of-the-art streamlined instrumentation, which allows an optimal surgical worflow and is highly adjustable to the user‘s needs.

The LinkSymphoKnee system is a fixed bearing system with different constraint levels, such as cruciate ligament conserving (CR), cruciate ligament replacing (PS and PS+) and revision options (CCK). The high compatibility between the components provides a high intraoperative flexibility. All components are available as LINK PorEx versions.

1. Soft Tissue Friendly Anterior Flange
2. Wide Proximal Trochlea
3. Lateralized Trochlear Groove
4. Anatomical Notch Geometry

1. Bone Conserving Box Geometry
2. Post Engagement at 60° Flexion
3. High PS Cam Location
4. SpheroGrip Macrostructure Provides for a Homogeneous
Bone Cement-Implant Interface and Uniform Force Transmission
in the Cement Mantle3

1. Dual Radius of Curvature Designed to Optimize Kinematics
2. High Flex Recess for Patellar Ligament
3. Flatter Mediolateral Edge at Posterior Facet for Up Down Femoral Compatibility

1. Forgiving Anterior Profile
2. 3º Posterior Slope
3. Posterior and Central Dovetail Locking Feature
4. E-Dur Vitamin E Infused Polyethylene1

1. PS/PS+ Jump Height = 17mm
2. PS Constraint Free to Rotate
3. PS+ Constraint Constrained 3º IE and VV
4. Anterior Recess For Patella Ligament Wrapping
5. E-Dur Vitamin E Infused Polyethylene1

1. 5º Sloped Post Increases Stability
2. Posterior Chamfer Designed to Reduce Impingement
3. 0º Posterior Slope
4. Posterior and Central Dovetail Locking Feature

1. Robust Central and Posterior Dovetail Locking Detail
2. Antirotation Island Guides Bearing Implantation
3. Flattened Anterior Lip Designed To Reduce Bearing Insertion Angle
4. Keel and Fin Designed to Protect Against Rotational Forces
Femoral and Tibial Augments

Modular Stems Options

Compatible with LINK FlexiCones
The LinkSymphoKnee system is compatible with LINK’s TrabecuLink FlexiCones.

14 femoral & 10 tibial sizes

2up - 2down Compatibility

All CR, PS, PS+, & CCK Poly inserts are available in UHMWPE and E-DUR, which is Vitamin E infused cross-linked polyethylene1.

In the production of Vit-E plateaus, vitamin E is used as an antioxidant in order to protect the material by neutralizing the free radicals created by highly crosslinking. The product's mechanical properties and biocompatibility are preserved 2,3,4,5.

Highly Cross-Linked by irradiation
Improved wear resistance for delamination and abrasion demonstrated in in vitro testing.6,7
Stabilizing of UHMWPE by enrichment with Vitamin E respectively synthetic available product alpha-tocopherol. Reduction of free radicals improves durability8
All LinkSymphoKnee metal components are available with the LINK PorEx ceramic-like surface.

LINK PorEx serves as an Ion shield, as a ceramic coating significantly reduces
the metal ion release of the underlying metal substrate9.
• Decreased metal ion release9
• Increased scratch resistance10
• Lower friction coefficient10
• Increased fatigue strength10
• Increased hardness9

The LinkSymphoKnee System includes streamlined, lightweight and ergonomic instrument sets, allowing for straightforward workflow and high reproducibility. Multi-purpose instruments and elaborate trial components help to reduce the amount of instruments and number of trays, thus enhancing the intra-operative handling and flexibility.
LinkSymphoKnee - Primary
LinkSymphoKnee - Revision
LinkSymphoKnee - Perseus smart cutting guide
Insert Inlay
- The gradually decreasing flexion radius (J-curve) reduces mid-flexion instability
- Smooth transition in sagittal curvature
- Higher congruency in extension
- PS Post and Cam mechanism engagement at 60° flexion
- PS Post and Cam mechanism limits posterior tibia translation and facilitates femoral rollback
- Concave Cam design increases surface contact between Cam and Post and reduces pressure peaks.

- Homogenous growth of 3 mm from size to size size in anterior direction.
- Posterior aspect constant as usual in all posterior referencing systems

- The anterior Patella Flange angle amounts to 4,5°

- The thickness is constant and amounts to 9 mm in all Femoral Components
- One spacer block is required to assess the extension and flexion gap.

The LINKademy has provided a platform where new, sophisticated treatment methods and innovative surgical techniques are discussed in depth. Specialist knowledge is passed on and practical experience of new products and methods can be obtained. The motto is: Learning from one another for your patients benefit.
Join our courses and deepen your knowledge by sharing your thoughts and questions with renowned international experts in knee arthroplasty.
Are you interested in our company, our products, or a career at LINK?
We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have, and look forward to hearing from you.
Barkhausenweg 10
22339 Hamburg
+49 (0) 40-539 95-0

Find all the information, additional news and upcoming events about LINK products in our new LINK Newsletter!
- Crosslinking w/ a 75 kGy gamma radiation dose in air then EtO sterilized.
- E. Oral, „Characterization of Irradiated Blends of Alpha-tocopherol and UHMWPE“, Biomaterials 2005; 26(33):6657-6663.
- E. Oral, „Highly Crosslinked UHMWPE Doped with Vitamin E“, in UHMWPE Biomaterials Handbook, S. M. Kurtz, Ed., Burlington, MA Academic Press 2009.
- S. M. Kurtz, „Vitamin-E-Blended UHMWPE Biomaterials“, in UHMWPE Biomaterials Handbook, S. M. Kurtz, Ed., Burlington, MA Academic Press 2009.
- S. M. Kurtz, „Trace Concentration of Vitamin E Protect Radiation Crosslinked UHMWPE from Oxidative Degradation“, J Biomed Mater Res A 2008; 549-563
- S. M. Kurtz, „The Origins and Adaptations of UHMWPE for Knee Replacement“, in UHMWPE Biomaterials Handbook, S. M. Kurtz, Ed., Burlington, MA Academic Press 2009.
- S. M. Kurtz, „Advances in the Processing, Sterilization, and Crosslinking of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene for Total Joint Arthroplasty“, Biomaterials 1999; 20:1659-1687.
- E. M. Brach del Prever, „UHMWPE for Arthroplasty: Past or Future?“, J Orthopaed Traumatol 2009; 10:1-8
- Bader R., Bergschmidt P., Fritsche A., Thomas P., Mittelmeier W. Alternative Werkstoffe und Lösungen in der Knieendoprothetik für Patienten mit Metallallergie. Orthopäde 2008; 37:136-142
- Wear Performance of Sequentially Cross-Linked Polyethylene Inserts against Ion-Treated CoCr, TiNbN-Coated CoCr and Al2O3 Ceramic Femoral Heads for Total Hip Replacement